This form is for questions about technical issues concerning the use of this site and questions of a general nature concerning the Iowa Judicial Branch. Before you submit a question, please read the following instructions:
- For a court address or telephone number, go to the Court Directory.
- For answers to frequently asked questions about Iowa court cases, procedures, and policies, see FAQ.
- For general information, see For the Public.
- For information on specific kinds of cases, see Representing Yourself.
- For information about an individual case, go to Iowa Courts Online.
- For problems with paying a fine, contact the Technical Help Desk by email or by phone at 800/831-1396.
- For questions about using the eFile system, go to the eFile Help page. For technical difficulties, contact the Technical Help Desk by email or by phone at 800/831-1396.
We do not interpret the law, provide legal advice, or provide legal research services. If you need legal help, look in the Yellow Pages of the phone book under "Attorney Referral Services," "Attorneys" or "Lawyers" or visit Representing Yourself/Legal Help.
Law Library— The law library provides Iowa lawmakers, government employees, the Iowa legal community, and the general public with a highly specialized legal collection of treatises and both state and federal statutory, regulatory, and case law. The collection also contains the abstracts and arguments of the Iowa Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, legal periodicals, and materials produced by the Iowa legislature. Research assistance is available.
Ask a Librarian— The professional librarians on the State Library staff will also answer your questions. They can help you find a law, rule, or court decision. They can also help you with questions outside the scope of the judicial branch such as ordering birth certificates, genealogy, and many others. Live Chat Support online is also available.
We do our best to respond to all questions. Because we cannot respond if an email address is incorrect, please double-check your email address.