Beginning January 1, 2015, an alternative civil litigation track is available in Iowa for cases with claims of $75,000 or less. The goal of this new rule—Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.281—is to reduce the time and cost of civil litigation while increasing access to justice. The rule features limits on discovery and summary judgment motions, a trial date within one year, time limits on each side’s trial presentation, and a six person jury or the option to try the case to the judge.
Q & A Regarding Expedited Civil Action Rule 1.281 (PDF)
Chapter 1, Rule 1.281(1) Expedited Civil Actions (PDF)
Form 16—Expedited Civil Action Certification (PDF)
Form 17—Alternative Expedited Civil Action Certification (PDF)
Form 18—Joint Motion to Proceed as an Expedited Civil Action (PDF)
Form 19—Health Care Provider Statement in Lieu of Testimony (PDF)
Time Standards for Case Processing
In addition to the new expedited civil action rule 1.281, the supreme court amended Chapter 23 of the Iowa Court Rules, Time Standards for Case Processing, to include the shorter time standards for expedited civil actions and for a new rule 23.5—Form 3 Trial Scheduling and Discovery Plan for Expedited Civil Action.
Chapter 23—Time Standards for Case Processing (PDF)
Form 3—Trial Scheduling and Discovery Plan for Expedited Civil Action (PDF)