Judicial District:
Chief Judge:
Clerk of Court
300 North Pine
Suite 6
Creston, IA 50801
Phone: 641-782-7315
Fax: 641-782-8241
Case Scheduling
Alissa Bowman
Pay Fines Online
Use our convenient, online payment service to pay fines, surcharges and fees with a major credit card 24/7.
District Court Administrator
Interim District Court Administrator
Juvenile Court Office
300 North Pine Suite 9
Phone: 641-782-2519
Juror Information
Contact Information:
Did you get a Summons to Jury Service in the mail? Do you need to
- update personal information,
- check when you need to report for jury service,
- submit a request for an excuse or deferral, or
- select an alternate time to serve?
Click the Go to eJuror button to begin.
Courthouse Directions
The Union County Courthouse is located at 300 North Pine Suite 6, Creston, IA 50801. Court is held on the top floor of the building.
What to Wear to Court
Please report for jury service wearing respectable clothes. As a general rule, business or business casual clothing is acceptable. The following types of clothing are not suitable for court proceedings: shorts, tube tops, halter tops, clothing that contain any obscene, suggestive or inflammatory print or images, and clothes that are overly dirty or ragged.
Where to Park
Parking is available on the street around the Courthouse (no parking fees).
Courthouse Security Information
No knives, guns or sharp instruments are allowed. Please contact the Union County Sheriff's Office at 1-641-782-7717 for any specific questions.
Jury Check-in Information
Please check in at the Clerk of Court's Office on the upper level of the courthouse.
Absences / Emergencies
Please make all requests for excuse in writing as soon as possible. For emergencies please call 1-641- 782-7315.
Travel, Mileage, and Other Expenses
Jurors are reimbursed for travel to and from residence to the courthouse at a rate of .50 per mile as approved by the supreme court. If you do not know the mileage, you can look it up on Mapquest.com.
Pursuant to state law, you will be paid $30 a day for each day of your jury service up to seven days; $50 a day for eight or more days of service. You may waive the right to compensation, which will help reduce the state’s cost of operating the court system.
ADA Coordinator
Toni Stevens