District 5 Probate/Juvenile Guardianship Mediators (November 29, 2021)
To be on the D5 Probate/Juvenile Guardianship Mediator list, mediators must have the following requirements:
General Probate Qualifications:
- Must complete one-hour webinar or live session regarding the availability of external resources, mainly for the aging; AND
- 25 hours minimum general mediation training; AND
- One of the following:
- 15 hours probate or elder specific mediation training; OR
- 10 continuous years of practicing primarily in wills, trusts, and estate work (defined as having devoted the greater of 400 hours or 40% of your law practice to the field for 10 continuous years).
Juvenile Guardianship Mediator:
- 40 Hours of family law mediation; AND
- Must complete a one-hour session regarding guardianship procedures.
Application for Admission for Mediators Roster (DOC)
Those interested in becoming a mediator in the Fifth Judicial District should email completed application and copies of all certificates of mediation training to [email protected]